Volunteer Configuration

Volunteer access is ideal when your campaign is setting up projects that will require system access to work in, but you are not wanting create user accounts for each individual volunteer. Volunteer configuration allows you to create an access code that will allow volunteers low level access to work on pre-created projects. Follow these links for more information on setting up phone projects and walk projects

Admin Setup

Admin Settings

From the Main Menu (new version), go to Administration --> Settings --> Volunteer Access. Fill out the form, and make sure that you have the check box next to "enable guest access" checked. The three word access code is what your volunteers will need to access the campaigns projects. See explanations of other fields in the example below. 

Tips for creating the access code:

  • Choose words that are easy to enter on a phone keyboard.  Shorter words with no caps or special characters are ideal. 
  • Not easy to guess, such as "vote john smith."
  • Use words that are phonetically easy to understand, meaning they are spelled how they sound. That way if you are verbally telling someone the code, they do not confuse the different homophones (ie sent / scent / cent).  


Project Settings 

Walk Projects 

To give the volunteers access to walk packets, you will need to provide them with the three word access code and the packet ID. The 10 digit packet ID can be found under the packet name within the walk target. To get there, start on the Main Menu and go to Walk--> Project Administration. Next to the name of the relevant Target, select "Packets." There are no settings that need to be changed in the walk project.

Phone Projects 

To enable volunteer access to a phone project, the settings will need to be updated. Start on the Main Menu, and go to Phone --> Project Administration. Choose "Settings" next to the project you want to update. Set the User Access option to "any user can make calls" and hit save. 

Volunteer Instructions

Logging In

First time volunteers 

If the volunteer has never accessed webElect as a user before, then they will sign in without using a password. On the login page, they will enter their email address and use either the "Send Code" or "Sign in with Google" options. Once they have done that, they will be prompted to enter in the three word code to access the campaign projects. 

Previous Users

If the volunteer has previously accessed webElect as a user, they can sign in with either the above options or using their password. Once logged in, they can change campaigns and enter in the three word access code to enter the new campaigns projects. 

Walk Projects 

Volunteers will access the walk projects using webElect's weWalk Canvassing App. View full weWalk instructions here

Phone Projects

Volunteers can access phone projects by logging in either on the app or desktop site and going to Phone --> Make Calls. Full instructions can be found here for making calls

Last updated a year ago by Alli Bundy, created March 13, 2024