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Update Thu 7/7 2am
We obtained and processed updated voter data from the SOEs of Miami-Dade, Polk, and St. Lucie counties. Campaigns in those counties should verify that their list of precincts shown on Targeting match what the SOE shows are the new precincts for their districts.
The counties that we have not been able to obtain post redistricting data are:
Broward, DeSoto, Lake, Monroe, Union
Update Tue 7/5 12pm
It appears all counties are now reporting the proper districts in their VBM file. There are some counties that are still reporting the incorrect districts for up to 1-2% of voters. We are contacting those counties to identify any issues they may have.
However, due to the few counties that we have been unable to obtain updated registration data for, the precincts in the registration data does not match to the precincts in the VBM data resulting in us having to limit the VBM filtering options. We are working to accomodate that issue so hope to have additional VBM filtering options available by Wednesday morning.
Update Fri 7/1 3am
A mistake mapping 1 address field from the Charlotte, Hillsborough, Martin, and Orange SOE files caused any voter with a different mailing address to have the wrong physical address and potentially a wrong mailing address. This affected 4-5% of voters On Tursday 6/30. Any mailing list pulled from these counties on Thursday should be destroyed and replaced.
We updated the registration data for Palm Beach, Putnam, and Volusia counties.
Update Thu 6/30 2am
The new voter registration data is pushed live and covers voter registrations through 5/31.
The following counties were updated but did not contain the new district/precinct data:
- De Soto, Gilchrist, Palm Beach, Polk, Putnam, St Lucie, Union
The following counties were NOT updated:
- Broward, Dade (Miami-Dade), Lake, Monroe, Volusia
We received Palm Beach and Volusia today and hope to receive a few more before pushing anoter update in the coming days.
Update Wed 6/29 1am
The next update of data is staged so will go live late tonight and be ready for Thursday morning. Hillsborough, Orange, Charlotte, and Martin SOEs were able to provide us replacement data so will be included in the release with redistricting info completed. The following counties will not be updated until we receive the requested data files because their records were mid-way through redistricting when the state data file was generated.
- Broward - they are expecting to complete data update by Tuesday 7/5
- Miami-Dade - awaiting data file. Payment was received Monday morning.
- Lake - requested data file.
- Monroe - awaiting response to data file request.
- Volusia - awaiting data file. Payment received Tuesday.
We hope to receive these files soon so we can provide another data update prior to the next state file release July 13th.
We have also requested data files from the counties that had not begun their redistricting process (see table below). Their registration records will be updated in the new release, but will still contain old district info.
Municipal campaigns, whose districts are defined by precincts, are having to be redefined at the time of the data update since counties change their precinct boundaries and numbering in redistricting. This is a time intensive process but should provide a smooth transition.
Update Tue 6/28 1am
We obtained an updatd registration file from Hillsborough so will be including it in the update. We have data requests out to all other counties so hope to receive more today that can make the next data push late tonight or possibly tomorrow night.
Most counties appear to have run their conversion from standing requests to actual requests with a few counties looking to be in-process: Dade, Lake, Orange, St Lucie, Washington. We anticipate they may be complete in today's files.
For accounts that have been approved for VBM access, we have added a simple criteria option to the top of the Voter Criteria page in Targeting allowing you to keep only VBM requestors. We will add full VBM criteria features as the data becomes more stable.
Update Mon 6/27 1am
We expect to have the voter registration data updated for all but the 7 counties that did not have a stable set of data (see below) by Tuesday or Wednesday. We expect to have the Standing Request VBM voters selectable (by approved accounts) no later than tonight.
June 22nd Registration Update
We have determined 16 counties did not provide completed redistricting data in the June 22nd FVRS state data release. 7 of those counties were mid-way through the data updating process rendering their records unusable and so can not be updated. Those are:
- Broward, Dade (Miami-Dade), Hillsborough, Lake, Monroe, Orange, Volusia
We will try to obtain data directly from the SOEs for these counties so we can try to update the webElect data prior to the next FVRS release on July 13th.
The other 9 counties had not started the redistricting process so will be loaded as we know to treat all the records as having the old district info. We will also attempt to obtain their registration data prior to the July 13th release. Those counties are:
- Charlotte, De Soto, Gilchrist, Martin, Palm Beach, Polk, Putnam, St Lucie, Union
State House, Senate, and Congressional districts will continue to use our proprietary designation of voters due to the many districts that would include the wrong voters if designated by the SOE specified district values.
VBM Update
Our analysis of the VBM data has shown all counties are providing updated district info in the VBM records except for:- Broward, Monroe, Polk, Union
However, it has also shown that even counties that have updated the district info have many Standing Request records that have not been updated with the new district info which could cause issues. We believe these to be the Standing Requests that will not be processed into actual requests (due to a voter moving, or otherwise not meeting the requirements to receive a VBM). Unfortunately, the VBM data does not provide any specified way to determine this and so the only way to know which standing requests become actual requests is to wait for each county to run that process over the next couple weeks.
To alleviate the problems caused by these non-updated VBM records, we will be simplifying the VBM targeting process until the SOEs have run this process. Eligible campaigns will be able to select from their registered voters any voter that has a Standing Request, and any reports pulled will only use the voters' registered mailing addresses and not the VBM request address. While this isn't as optimal as when we are able to utilize the complete VBM data, we believe this to be the best option at the time.
Request access to VBM info in V3 (old menu) on Main Menu -> Administration -> Campaign Setup. In V5 (new menu) goto Administration-> Settings. VBM info is not public data and only available to those meeting the legal requirements.
County Redistricting Status
We were able to determine the state of the registration and VBM data due to our proprietary method of using the published shape files for the new House, Senate, and Congressional districts to determine the voters in each district, then compare the SOEs records to our counts to see which were still publishing old district info and which had converted to new. Same for the portion of their VBM records. The summary of the counties of concern are below. You can view the complete report that was analyzed here: County FVRS (June 22) and VBM Redistricting Analysis
County | Reg |
Notes |
Broward | Partial | Partial |
Still shows significant counts in old House/Senate/Congressional districts, with reg data showing some movement towards updating.
VBM data still shows significant counts in old districts. |
Charlotte | NotStarted | Complete | Shows no voters in new House/Senate districts for reg data, but VBM counts do look to be properly assigned to new districts. |
Dade | Partial | Complete |
Shows significant numbers of voters in old House/Senate/Congressional districts in reg data.
VBM data does not show any voters in old districts. |
De Soto | NotStarted | Complete | Reg data still has old district numbers. VBM data has new. |
Escambia | Unknown | Unknown | Escambia is unknown because no districts changed. There are new precinct splits and counts change significatnly in some precincts, so they might be done or only partially. |
Gilchrist | NotStarted | Unknown |
Reg data still lists old House/Senate/Congressional districts.
No VBM file to analyze. |
Hillsborough | Partial | Complete |
Reg data still shows significant counts in old House/Senate/Congressional districts.
VBM data counts look to be close to expected with elevated counts likely invalid standing requests. |
Lake | Partial | Complete |
Reg data still shows significant counts in old House/Senate/Congressional districts.
VBM data counts look to be close to expected. |
Martin | NotStarted | Complete | Reg data still shows old districts, VBM shows expected counts for new districts. |
Monroe | Partial | Partial | Reg and VBM data have been updated for the Congressional district change, but neither has been updated for the Senate district. |
Orange | Partial | Complete |
Reg data still shows significant counts in old House/Senate/Congressional districts.
VBM data counts look to be close to expected. |
Palm Beach | NotStarted | Complete |
Reg data still showed full counts in old districts.
VBM data looks like expected counts for new districts. |
Polk | NotStarted | NotStarted | Does not show any reg or VBM records in the new districts. |
Putnam | NotStarted | Complete | Reg data still shows old districts, VBM shows expected counts for new districts. |
St. Lucie | NotStarted | Complete | Reg data still shows old districts, VBM shows expected counts for new districts. |
Union | NotStarted | NotStarted | Reg data still shows old districts, VBM still shows old districts. |
Volusia | Partial | Complete | Reg data still has significant counts in old districts, VBM data shows expected counts for new disrtricts. |
Wakulla | Complete | Unknown | No VBM file to analyze |
Update Fri 6/24 9am
VBM data is expected to be available Sunday or Monday.� New registration data expected to be available Monday or Tuesday, pending any major issues with redistricting values.
We received and are processing both the June 22nd registration data update and the county VBM data.� Unfortunately the registration data was not received until this morning.� We can not process the addresses for the VBM files until after the registration data finishes processing which takes about 30 hours, and with 4.5 million VBM records, they will take another 8 hours for this first batch.
You must request and be approved for access to VBM data since it is not public info. Do so in Campaign Setup (V3) or Administration->
Settings (V5).
The next state release of the county voter data is scheduled for June 22nd.� We should have the data processed and analyzed around June 25th.
Usually the monthly updates contain voter data changes through the end of the previous month, but we were hoping the reason for the state's late release of the June disc was to give counties time to complete their redistricting and reprecincting process.� However, the state did not confirm this and only said they expect data updates to be completed by July (the next data release is July 13th).
This means we are expecting some counties to NOT be updated with new precincts and districts, and possibly some counties to be partially complete, meaning some voters will be assigned the old district and precincts and some voters assigned the new (Osceola was one such county in the last release).� While our method of providing the proper voters for the new House, Senate, and Congressional districts is not affected by these issues (because we use the address geocodes and published district maps to determine the district voters), non county-wide county commission, school board, and municipal districts are affected and will need to be individually analyzed to see how to handle the data during this period.
VBM Access
Any campaign that would like to access the daily updated VBM data must request access on the Campaign Setup form (V3), or Administration-> Settings form (V5).� VBM data is not public information and can only be accessed by campaigns meeting the legal requirements.� We will review each request and approve those which we can verify meet the requirements.� Providing a direct link to the DOE or SOE webpage showing your campaign/committee qualification status in our designated field on the form will greatly speed up the time of approval.
The counties are required to start uploading the VBM data 60 days prior to the election, which should be June 24th.� However, we may not be able to provide access to the data immediately pending:
- any changes the state made to the portal which might require us to modify our access method
- analyzing the effect of VBM data having new precinct and district numbers vs county registration data that still has old precinct and district numbers
Hopefully this is a quick process and we can make the VBM info available on, or within a couple days of, June 24th.
We will keep the main menu alert and this page updated as info changes.
Last updated 3 years ago by Doug Homan, created June 21, 2022