School Board Demo

Voter Data Sources

County Supervisor of Elections

  • Custodian of record (originating source of the data)
  • Data may or may not be free depending on county
  • Some counties are easier to obtain then others
  • Data can be difficult to work with, ie vote history columns not consistent, size of lists
  • Search "[County Name] Supervisor of Elections Data"

State Division of Elections

  • Free
  • Provides consistency to data across all counties
  • Updated monthly, but timing has become less consistent
  • Potential to have data issues - data mapped from SOEs to state's specifications
  • Difficult to work with
  • Requires database experience to work with voter history
  • Search "Division of Elections Data"

3rd Party Data Services

  • Easiest to use (relative to the complexity of the task being performed, but may have a learning curve)
  • Enhanced data (phones, emails, additional traits)
  • May include tools for working with and adding to the data (filtering, walking, phone banking, signs, etc)
  • May provide updates to data (registration changes, VBM & EV)
  • Usually are paid services so must evaluate ROI
  • Data may be older so be sure to check age of data (on average 2-3% of records change per month, more leading up to election)
  • Watch for ownership/privacy of entered data
  • Search "webelect price"

*Redistricting Issue

  • Many counties redrawing district boundaries but not updating data until Congressional map finalized
  • May require defining new district by current precincts, or obtaining data from SOE (if they can even provide)

Targeting Voters

  • Use demographic traits, party, and vote history to select the right voters to maximize your messaging and efforts
    - How might criteria change due to: other primary races (Governors race); how many other candidates and district size (focus on GOTV??); message being delivered (is it partisan?)
    - Consider breaking a large mailing up into many micro-targeted mailings to better grab attention than a more generic mail piece
  • Use multiple passes through targeting saving the results to a group/tag in order to make more complex selections. Any duplicates automatically removed.

  • Always check your data! Targeting tools are like amplifiers - can be very bad if you hit the wrong notes
    - Modify the criteria and make sure counts react expectedly.
    - Check counts against other sources such as SOE stats, previous turnouts, etc
    - Export a small sample (maybe 1 precinct) and include vote history. Make sure it matches what is expected.

  • Use groups/tags (and premium tags) for further filtering by individual voter OR by other voters at the house

Watch Targeting Video

Output Options

Common output options are householded export, household labels, Save as Group / Save as Walk Project / Save as Phone project


  • Use Walk Projects  (Walk Action Lists) to manage your canvassing efforts by creating packets for optimal walking, and tracking completion status.
  • Create 1 project per purpose of the walk. Avoid creating multiple projects to split the region, ie do not create a separate project for each precinct.
    - 1 project lets you view your progress across the entire district and doesn't require setting up multiple projects. The map precinct filter lets you view single precincts.
  • Use Targeting to add the voters you will be walking (can make multiple passes, eg voted in 2+/3 primaries then add voted in 4/4 Generals). Best to add just prior to walking the area so you can refine your targeting criteria as needed.

  • Assign the tags/groups walkers should be focused on collecting to keep the interface simple when they are in the field.

  • If multiple walkers (or needing printed packets), create packets for logistics.  If only the candidate, or a few walkers, and using the app then packets are not necessary.
  • When making packets, be sure to include only houses that are easily walked togther, ie do not include houses that back up to each other in different neighborhoods.
  • Optimal packet size is 50 - 90 houses depending on density of walk.
  • Consider making "specialty" packets:
    - prime yard sign locations to be walked by the candidate
    - Hispanic over 60 to be walked by spanish speaking volunteer
    - Over 60 to be walked in the day time

  • Consider printing packets to have as a fail safe OR for walkers that do not wish to use the app.

  • Use the mobile app to complete the walk, or enter the paper packet results via the website or barcode
  • A team of walkers can access the same packet using the Packet ID number, but need to be cautious if walking off-line.

Watch Walk Project Video

Yard Signs

  • Add yard sign requests:
    - from the walk app (or barcode from printed packet)
    - using the voter lookup/search

  • Potentially solicit high traffic homes utilizing the walk map to create a special packet for the candidate to visit, ie entrances to neighborhoods
  • Generate delivery routes when its time to put up the signs

  • Update the delivery status via the app or website (or barcode)
  • Watch Video

Additional Features

Micro-target Teachers with Premium Tags

Pre-filled Petition Forms

Pulling VBM Chase Lists/Labels

  • VBM chase not as beneficial in some counties that have huge standing requests. VBMs often not returned.
  • May be better to only chase new requests for that election
  • Output as labels, postcards, mail merge export, add to walk/phone project

GOTV Watchlists

Phone Banking

Importing Data

  • Impoort external data to add additional taits to voter records for targeting, or add additional phones & emails
  • Use our voter matching service to match external lists to the voters ($35/file up to 10k records)

Contribution Query for Fundraising

Last updated 3 years ago by Doug Homan, created April 7, 2022