- 888-987-6558
- support@webelect.net
We now have the ability to proivde State House, Senate, and Congressional campaigns with their proposed district of voters based on the redistricting maps passed by the legislature (House H8013 , Senate S8058 , Congressional C0109 ).� Our proprietary process has identified the new districts for 98% of the registered voters, providing the ability to campaign in the new district well before the SOEs update the official voter records.
Any new orders placed for house, senate, or congressional districts will be based on the new district.� Existing webElect accounts that were previously set to the old district will need to send a request to support@webelect.net asking to update to a new district.
There are a few items to note when using webElect for one of these new districts:
- Unlike official districts that are defined only by precinct, the proposed districts are first defined by any current precinct they overlap (even if just by 20 voters), and additionally by the individual voter district assignment.� This means when you first see the precinct list on the Targeting page, the stats shown for each precinct (and the total) may not be representative of what is actually in the new district if the precicnt is not entirely in the new district.� However, once you proceed through targeting, only the voters identified in the new district will be included.
- Our process of assigning voters is dependent on accurate geocoding of voter addresses.� Geocoding is not 100% accurate, but should provide > 98% accuracy of the new districts.
- Existing accounts that may be substantially changing their district of voters will not lose any of the info they have collected from voters that are no longer in the district.� However, those voters will be automatically excluded from any new targeting reports pulled.
- These districts have not yet been assigned by the Supervisors of Elections, and there is potential that voters have errantly been included or excluded from a district due to multiple possible issues. Use at your own risk . We highly recommend spot-checking and cross-checking data pulls with other sourced references. � Please contact support@webelect.net with any questionable cases for investigation.
We have increased pricing for these districts due to:
- the shortened billable/campaigning period caused by the redistricting delays
- the increased value in being able to campaign prior to the official voter records being updated
- our cost in developing and performing this process
Last updated 3 years ago by Doug Homan, created February 3, 2022